Monday, January 28, 2008

Blog for January 28th, 2008

Hello everyone. :) In addition to our normal duties, the tech support team here at Assured Computing Technologies has started to make some training videos for the various Point of Sale solutions that we offer. Right now we're still in the rough draft stages, outlining what tasks each video will cover and where the line between the basics and the more "advanced" functions of our programs is; eventually, we want to make sure that there's a video for everything every piece of software is capable of.

We're starting with Aldelo, which is our most popular product for restaurants, pizza places and other food service establishments because it has the most features for customization of individual items. For example, it has built in functionality for ordering a hamburger with "extra cheese, no onions, light mustard and bacon with onion rings instead of fries for the side", as opposed to our other software solutions, which focus more on a static database. After we've gone through at least the basics of setting up Aldelo, we'll probably move on to Cash Register Express and work our way through the basics of all our packages before moving on to the advanced features each program has to offer.

You can get a look at our efforts on our YouTube page.

As for our regular duties, today we unloaded and configured a new IBM SurePOS 300 for a customer in California. This is his second system with us, so we loaded the point of sale solution unconfigured because once it gets into the field, we'll call the customer and log in remotely in order to make sure it syncs up with the database on his existing system. The system is currently going through it's 24 hour burn-in test and, assuming everything checks out, we'll probably be able to ship it out tomorrow.

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